February 14, 2007

Laugh, cry, then crave some Betty Crocker (with a twist)

You have to be a real cynical, cold-hearted dumbass to truly laugh at the Anna Nicole news (and if you need to click on the link to understand, apparently you live under a rock, so how you got to this blog first is a real achievement; please e-mail me at pureverbiageATgmailDOTcom because you are most likely a fascinating and unique individual; I already like you), although she's obviously going to be the butt of many jokes in the weeks (years?) to come. That's ok, but I hope few are really jaded enough to not feel even a twinge of sympathy/sorrow/pity. However, this other bit of news - two basketball players at Gonzaga busted and suspended for ripping bong hits, carrying burnt doobies in their coat pockets (?), and, best of all, lugging around "foil-wrapped brownie-muffins containing hallucinogenic mushrooms" (fudge and fungus, an awesome combination that is clearly ahead of its time) - is both lamentable and laughable. Sad, because two twenty-year-olds are essentially chucking scholarships to a pretty darn good Jesuit school (I'm a fan, having attended one myself) out their drug-trafficking car window. This probably happens every year somewhere, but it's still a bit upsetting when you think that money could have gone to other students who might not have been so careless, or just that these kids are young are probably deserve another shot. Either way, I think it's perfectly cool to have a good time when you're not studying or practicing, just don't be stupid and get caught like this. At the same time, their mini-plight is funny, simply because they put 'shrooms in a brownie mix and made muffins out of their newfound concotion ("Mom, can we borrow your muffin pan?"; "Yeah, sure! Are you baking something nice for your girlfriend? I knew I raised my boy right!"; "Uh......"). So maybe they have a future at Magnolia, making fine batches of those cupcakes people queue up for. Apparently, those things are like crack anyway.

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